High Performance Program
High performance depends on many factors. An important one relates to the question, “Why did you choose the work you do?” Performance is an outcome. The difficulty in achieving high performance in our professional life is closely related to our motivation. Studies have shown that to be motivated, it’s essential to feel autonomous, competent, and appreciated for what we’re doing, among other things.

The High-Performance program is a unique program that combines the Authentic Leadership, Job Crafting, and High-Quality Connections modules to help you create strategies and actions aligned with your values, define what the professional role that energizes you the most is, what network and support you need and most importantly, improve your productivity to achieve professional and personal success.
Module 1
(4h and 15 min)
Module 2
(4h and 15 min)
Module 3
Module 4
High Performance Program is for you, if:
- You are not satisfied with your professional achievements and want to achieve both success and well-being.
- You want to discover how to perform better using an authentic style, your abilities and passions, and others’ support.
- You are an entrepreneur; you want to stand out in a competitive market and improve your results quickly by following a clear strategy and actions.
- You feel demotivated and lacking energy at work and want to change that.
- You want to build a personal brand and need to define your role and authentic style that represents you.
- You want to motivate and inspire others by displaying an authentic style and passion for what you do.
- You want to develop quality relationships with your team, clients, or business partners.
This is what you will gain:
- Discover how you can achieve high performance
- Create strategies and actions to get the job you want and quality relationships
- Understand what your competitive advantage is and what differentiates you from others
- Make decisions regarding the next steps fully align with yourself
- Learn how to use coaching techniques to improve communication and have quality relationships
- Learn how to connect to others emotionally and how to use relationships to gain mutual advantages
- Learn how to build an authentic team/ organization based on a culture of learning and passion for work
- Become your actor and act as a leader of your life
- Template Leadership Journey Line, Job Crafting Tool, and Powerful Questions sheet to re-use them or use them with other people
- Free resources to further study or clarify the given information
- A 45-minute long individual Positive Psychology Coaching session. I will offer support through coaching methods to translate your authentic leader strategy into defined actions. After finishing the two modules, we will meet on Zoom or Whatsapp on a day we will both agree on.
- Community support. You are part of a group of people going through similar processes, sharing the same interests, and supporting each other.
Steps of the process:
We will cover the four modules in 4 hours sessions every two weeks on an online platform. During the modules, you will be able to study, use resources, and access WhatsApp, or you can email me for support, clarifications, and other helpful information. You will receive more details after signing up.